Boréal immersive kit

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A turnkey bath ritual at the fir trees.

Close your eyes. Inhale, exhale, concentrate on your breath. Let yourself be carried away by the smell of fir... Visualize a forest, you walk there between its conifers... 

100% natural, 100% vegan 


You can take a bath and put everything into it to live the experience 100%. You will have leftover incense matches or matches for other uses.

You can also use a three-bath kit. Simply divide the bag into thirds.


Himalayan pink salt, straw flowers, eucalyptus, pine cone, lantern, pack of 36 matches, incense, Rituel Boréal botanical oil (Balsam fir essential oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, pine oil avocado, apricot oil, natural fragrance and vitamin).
